.. _sec:transaction-debugger: 交易调试 ==================== Mix supports both Solidity and assembly level contract code debugging. You can toggle between the two modes to retrieve the relevant information you need. At any execution point the following information is available: VM stack – See Yellow Paper for VM instruction description Call stack – Grows when contract is calling into another contract. Double click a stack frame to view the machine state in that frame Storage – Storage data associated with the contract Memory – Machine memory allocated up to this execution point Call data – Transaction or call parameters 进入调试模式 ------------------------ When transaction details are expanded, you can switch to the debugger view by clicking on the “Debug Transaction” button 调试模式间切换并逐步调试交易 -------------------------------------------------------------- This opens the Solidity debugging mode. Switch between Solidity and EVM debugging mode using the Menu button (Debug -> Show VM code) - Step through a transaction in solidity debugging mode - Step through a transaction in EVM debugging mode